(989) 846-4565 ext. 5
(989) 846-4565 ext. 5
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, The next best time is now." - Unknown
Is soil and dirt the same thing? Remember there is a difference between soil and dirt. Dirt is what you get on your clothes and hands while working in the soil. Soil is made up of elements that have been decomposing since the earth was created. Soil is composed of bedrock and mountain stones broken down over eons by wind and rain.
Games & Resources
An invasive species is a plant, animal, or disease that are NOT NATIVE to an area and CAUSE HARM to ECOSYSTEMS, HUMAN HEALTH, or the ECONOMY.
Learn about HUNGRY PESTS
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Dairy Fun Facts
It takes about 5-7 minutes for a cow to be milked. Cows have 32 teeth total, but they do not have top front teeth. Cows can smell up to 6 miles away. Dairy cows are creatures of habit and dairy farmers do their best to make sure these routines are kept daily.
Do you know what plants are native to Michigan or why it's important to plant native species? They are very low maintenance and attract native pollinators. This keeps your garden alive, active, and happy!
What do birds, bats, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, wasps, small mammals and bees all have in common? They are all pollinators! They visit flowers for nectar or feed off of pollen and transport pollen grains as they move from spot to spot, that's pollination!
There is so much that goes on at the farm! Explore all aspects of farming, from how to grow gardens to how to raise animals!
Farm Service Agency Activity Book
Climate Change | How does it work and What can we expect?
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